The way she inspires

Ruth Walker has built her career while always bringing fellow writers along.

As she spoke this week, a circle gathered around her. Everybody in the group was genuinely eager to listen, to discover, to be inspired. In fact, that’s where author Ruth Walker started her discussion with members of the Uxbridge Writers’ Circle. She asked those gathered on Tuesday afternoon:

“What inspires you?”

“Nature, the outdoors,” said one.

“My family and relationships,” suggested another.

Then, we asked Ruth the same question back. (more…)

Candidates for currency

It brought a smile to my face. It made me prouder than I’ve felt about being a Canadian in a while. Although, I think we all might have felt better about the entire episode, had Ottawa considered making such a decision years ago. But there it was, the image of a Viola Desmond on the $10 bill. And when I saw her story in the news, I thought the comment from the Governor of the Bank of Canada was entirely appropriate.

“It was long past time for a bank note to feature an iconic Canadian woman,” Stephen Poloz told reporters last Friday. (more…)