Great Escape story featured at Shedden Remembrance

Each fall, for much of the past decade, Ted Barris has made special arrangements to be available to speak at the annual Southwold Township Remembrance observance. The organizers have invited Ted back to speak on Sunday, Nov. 10, 2013, as part of its annual tribute to veterans. This year, Ted brings a talk and visual presentation about his brand new book, The Great Escape: A Canadian Story. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Hollywood blockbuster movie The Great Escape, (with Steve McQueen, James Garner, Richard Attenborough, etc.). But as Ted will demonstrate drawing from his book, the most famous WWII POW breakout was not a story of British heroes and Yankee know-how. The Great Escape was very much a story of Canadian leadership and courage. It’s more exciting than the Hollywood movie. And it’s all true!.

When: 9:30 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 10, 2013.

Where: Southwold Township Centre, Shedden, Ontario.

Contact: Michele Lant, 519-769-2010,


  1. I will purchase this book as soon as I can. Thank you Ted for making these brave Canadian men’s story known to us. What a Canadian treasure!

  2. Sorry I am so long getting back to you, Annette. I appreciate your interest in this story. Best… Ted.

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