A civil servant in green

Gerry OIdham stands in front of the "notice of meeting" sign posted on the King Street Parkette property.
Gerry OIdham stands in front of the “notice of meeting” sign posted on the King Street Parkette property.

During the time it took for her nephew to grow from a child of three to an adult – some 35 years – Gerry Oldham has taken the younger members of her family to the parkette on King Street in the town where I live.

As parks go, it’s always been a pretty modest space. But in its lifetime, the parkette’s simple playground swings, teeter-totter and slide have always provided enough green space for Gerry, her kids and now her grandchildren. This week, at Township Council, she showed councillors a framed photo of her family and passed along their fears.

“Don’t let them sell Grandma’s park,” she repeated to the chamber.

The park, for over an hour the other night, captured the community leaders’ attention. It appears that Township Council is considering whether the space – about the size of a narrow vacant lot – might serve a better purpose if rezoned as a space for potential development as a residence instead of a parkette. Well, when Gerry Oldham and a number of her neighbours learned about the idea they showed up, some 40 or 50 strong, to dissuade councillors from that notion.

King Street Parkette, a public spot in the midst of residential Uxbridge. Courtesy Google Maps.
King Street Parkette (lot in centre) a public spot in the midst of residential Uxbridge. Courtesy Google Maps.

Part of the parkette’s problem, however, is that it’s small. Only .084 hectares (not even a third of an acre). It’s also not a high priority. Bob Ferguson, township facilities manager (and the nephew whom Gerry remembers being three when she first encountered the parkette) described the space as a “low-use” park. That means it’s one of a handful of parks in town that while functional, doesn’t rate the greater attention that parks containing splash pads, baseball diamonds or soccer pitches do.

It also suffers from an identity problem. It should have had a name, but doesn’t. In a letter to the council, retired Uxbridge Museum and Archives curator Allan McGillivray explained that the lot had sat dormant for years. It was low and wet and until a developer donated the land to the township, pretty much overlooked.

“The Optimist Club brought in fill and leveled the area,” historian McGillivray explained. “They installed swings, teeter-totters and slides … donated in 1970 in the memory of Donald Cowieson, the second president of the Optimist Club.”

Allan McGillivray added there was even a photo in the local newspaper of a local realtor making the presentation to then Mayor Fred Steward. But beyond that, the King Street Parkette kind of disappeared.

“Shouldn’t there have been a plaque?” Gerry Oldham asked.

Moms and dads, kids and dogs gathered on the weekend to illustrate the King Street Parkette is hardly a "low use" facility.
Moms and dads, kids and dogs gathered on the weekend to illustrate the King Street Parkette is hardly a “low use” facility, but a people place that’s been a neighbourhood refuge.

But in addition to its identity problem, the King Street Parkette kind of languished. Never big enough to enjoy the upgrades and makeovers that higher profile parks demand and yet never an inconvenience to planners or budgeters (it costs less that $1,000 each year), the lot has simply required periodic attention for grass cutting, garbage removal and (when it fell below safety standards) the removal of the playground slide equipment.

And while the township has always viewed it as “low use,” it has never suffered from no use. And the parkette’s neighbours were quick to remind Council of that on Monday night.

Former councillor Susan Self said she wasn’t happy about the trash too often left behind in the parkette or the vandalism. But “when we sit in our kitchen, we can easily see how important the park is to the children of our neighbours. We know it’s used extensively.”

Another speaker pointed out that while the rest of the town has its larger parks, residents near the King Street Parkette used its space to enjoy quality time with their families, build community spirit and encourage a healthy lifestyle for their children. “There’s the big park,” she said, “and then there’s our park.”

Gerry Oldham isn’t just a tree-hugger. She’s done her homework. When presenting her case Monday night, she noted that the township’s notice in the mail to consider rezoning of the park across her back fence referred to the it as “a former parkette.”

“Is the decision already made?” she asked. “An upgrade should be considered. Not a sale. It’s a bad precedent to be selling parkland.”

Gerry Oldham has enjoyed the park for a quarter century. Now she wants to ensure its survival for the next 25 years.
Gerry Oldham has enjoyed the park for a quarter century. Now she wants to ensure its survival for the next 25 years.

To be fair, township officials haven’t tossed the King Street Parkette to the scrap heap yet. Coun. Jacob Mantle insisted that the exercise of reviewing the parkette’s condition, status and value is not a cash grab. In fact, he noted the township’s laudable record of preserving greenbelt lands, while supporting sustained development of skate parks and splash pads as “destination parks.”

Susan Fumerton was among the last to plea on the parkette’s behalf in front of Council. She applauded the park for its service in providing a sanctuary at different times for her four children and her two grandchildren. But because the parkette had also introduced her to her neighbours, Susan added that, “the park has also brought me my best friend, Gerry Oldham.”

So while the King Street Parkette may be a park without an official name and a tenuous future, it has served generations of neighbours well.

Bumping into history

Up to the 1820s, patrons en route to Toronto or Montreal aboard the Upper Canada stagecoach, might rest weary bones at the coach house in Mallorytown, Ont.
Up to the 1820s, patrons en route to Toronto or Montreal aboard the Upper Canada stagecoach, might rest weary bones at the coach house in Mallorytown, Ont.

We sat around the breakfast table last Sunday morning, when our hosts in the eastern Ontario village of Mallorytown offered some insights to the job of community building. Bob and Barbara Morrison, entertaining my wife and me last weekend during one of my speaking stops, explained their secret to saving a piece of history where they live – the Mallory Coach House.

“We needed a place to house and display some village history,” Bob Morrison told us. “It seemed the right building in which to do it.”

In 2013, Barb and Bob Morrison (right side of group) joined one of my tours to Sicily, where we visited a high school to have veterans among us honoured and leave a Canadian flag for the school.
In 2013, Barb and Bob Morrison (4th and 5th from right) joined one of my tours to Sicily, where we visited a high school to have veterans among us honoured and leave a Canadian flag for the school.

Thinking the acquisition of something as historic as a coach house must have involved expensive legal assistance, complicated rezoning by village government, drawn out discussions with former owners and endless searches through deeds and archives, I asked what it was like to acquire the building.

“The former owner got out of bed one day and left,” Bob Morrison said. “We just put together the volunteers and fundraising and bought it.”

Sometimes the “keep it simple” axiom works best, even when dealing with items as precious as historic buildings. The Morrisons explained that their municipality, known as the Front of Yonge Township, organized a committee to finance the venture and to take on the renovation in 2005. Three years later, the volunteers had gutted the place down to the stone walls, refurbished it as a museum and opened it to the public as the Mallory Coach House.

Last weekend, we also dined with a number of the people behind that acquisition and renovation project. Among them was former Front of Yonge Township Councillor David Wells, who has taken the time to research and write “The History of Mallorytown,” published in 2011. In it, Wells documents the colourful history of the coach house, from its 19th century beginnings as a stagecoach way station, where teamsters could hitch up fresh teams of horses, where travellers could escape the bumpy ride and where stories of the road were born.

“It took an average of eight days to travel from Kingston to Montreal, a distance of 286 kilometres,” Wells writes. “Today we can cover the same distance in around three hours and much more comfortably.”

Kurt Grant shows that more than history takes place when Canadian troops serve in theatres of war.
Kurt Grant shows that more than history takes place when Canadian troops serve in theatres of war.

During the same weekend trip I travelled to a local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion in Brockville, Ont., to speak to members and friends of the Thousand Islands Writers’ Festival. The organizer had hoped to attract several dozen to the event; Russ Disotel was delighted to welcome as many as 75 people to his inaugural wintertime festival reading and historical talk. But as often happens, I learned as much history as I presented.

Prior to my talk about a Second World War subject, a man approached and introduced himself as a currently serving member of the Brockville Rifles and former peacekeeper with The Royal Canadian Regiment. Kurt Grant served an eight-month tour of duty in Croatia. But Grant’s service to his country wasn’t only represented by his service ribbons and sergeant’s stripes; it’s also captured in a piece of history he holds dear – his 2004 published book, “All Tigers, No Donkeys: A Canadian Soldier in Croatia, 1994-1995.” And lest I thought citizen soldiers such as Sgt. Grant made history keeping warring ethnic groups apart by accident, I learned otherwise.

“Because the military didn’t have the money to pay its [reservists] anything above the rank of private,” he wrote in his book, “we all chose to forfeit our rank and pay so that we might be considered for this tour.”

His book offers a diary of his experience of deployment into a region of nearly out-of-sight, out-of-mind peacekeeping, yes. But it also delves into the psyche of a modern Canadian soldier that few civilians know or understand. As I spoke briefly with Kurt Grant, I learned that military history doesn’t always come from wars and battles long past. The ink can still be drying to be worthy of our paying attention.

“This is the view from the bottom of the pile,” he notes in his preface, “from the pointy end of the stick was it were, not from the lofty heights of the headquarters shack.”

Joanne Watson made history by helping me through her high school French class (c1967).
Joanne Watson made history by helping me through her high school French class (c1967).

There was one more piece of history I discovered last weekend, one I hadn’t expected at all. As I wrapped up my talk on Saturday to the Thousand Island Writers’ Festival, we were about to retire to refreshments, when a woman asked to address the hall. She rose and complimented the festival for its event, those present for their attendance and me for my passion to preserve the stories of veterans. Moments later when the woman approached for an autograph in one of my books, I recognized her. Joanne Watson had been my high school French teacher. I hadn’t seen her since 1968, a time and history I never expected to revisit.

Bumping into history, like refurbishing a coach house or listening to a younger vet, isn’t complicated at all. But it can educate you in a hurry.

Legacy that Uncle Angelo left


At a celebration of his 95th birthday, Uncle Angelo passed along a ring he'd had for half a century.
At a celebration of his 95th birthday, Uncle Angelo passed along a ring he’d had for more than half a century.

I crawled into my uncle’s spacious car. There was enough room in that Cadillac for me to stretch out and go to sleep. And, believe me, after pulling a double shift – all the previous day and the night that had just ended – both my uncle (the restaurant manager) and I (a lowly busboy) were ready to pass out. He knew I was feeling pretty exhausted and kind of unappreciated. The sky around us was brightening, just before sun-up, when he broke the silence.

“Did you hear it?” Uncle Angelo asked.

“Hear what?” I said, but since he now had my attention, I started looking around the car and out across the landscape. The sun was just peeking over the horizon.

“There!” he said, jabbing at the sky. “It’s the crack of dawn!”

I turned and looked at him as if he had lost his marbles. And as only my Uncle Angelo could do, his face was consumed by an ear-to-ear grin. He’d successfully distracted me from my self-pity. He’d perked me up from my nearly comatose state. But best of all, as far as he was concerned, he’d gotten me to walk right into one of his favourite corny jokes. We both laughed and he continued to drive home so we really could get some sleep.

Among the best eateries in Baltimore, Maryland - the Double T Diner.
Among the best eateries in Baltimore, Maryland – the Double T Diner.

That was the summer of 1965, the year Uncle Angelo and Aunt Virginia invited me to Baltimore on my summer holidays to work in their diner, to enjoy my days off with the Maryland branch of the family and to earn a few dollars of spending money. Though he was my mother’s sister’s husband, Uncle Angelo that summer became my boss, sometimes my taxi ride home from the diner and by circumstance my surrogate father.

As a busboy in his Double T Diner, I learned how to clean and set a table in less than a minute. I learned how to collaborate with waitresses, cooks and dishwashers. And I learned the true meaning of customer service… all from my uncle.

Angelo Nopulos died this week in his beloved Baltimore at age 98. But for me he lives on in a library of personal memories. I’ll never forget his handshake – strongest of any man 30 years my senior. I’ll always remember his shoes (leather worn from honest work) and his walk (a gait that had economy and purpose). I can close my eyes now and see his firm hand on every aspect of that diner, his loyalty to his customers and his dedication to the concept of working 24/7 before the phrase was invented.

One favourite memory of my Uncle Angelo goes back to the summer of 1967, when all of North America was buzzing about the final episode of “The Fugitive.” That’s the TV serial that featured Dr. Richard Kimble (David Janssen) who was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife. For four seasons, Kimble chased the notorious one-armed man, the real killer of poor Mrs. Kimble and fled from relentless Det. Phil Gerard (Canadian actor Barry Morse). Anyway, it all concluded on air on the night of August 29, 1967.

For my family – all dedicated “Fugitive” fans – there emerged a real dilemma. That night of all TV nights fell on an occasion when my entire extended family – about a dozen of us – found ourselves at a relatively remote country location, with no cable, no colour, in fact, only an eight-inch black-and-white TV set (supplied by Uncle Angelo) and a set of rabbit ears; for the uninitiated, an antenna was required to receive the TV signal from Buffalo, N.Y.

What became apparent was that TV reception was going to be dicey. Somebody would have to stand and continuously adjust the rabbit ears as the vagaries of late ’60s evening TV transmission from Buffalo affected our viewing that night. Uncle Angelo volunteered to be the designated rabbit-ear-holder, standing behind the set and adjusting his positioning of the rabbit ears every time the signal seemed to fade, ghost or get lost in snowy static.

“Hold it there!” and “Higher, to the right!” we would all shout.

My poor Uncle Angelo probably felt as beleaguered Dr. Kimble that night of his deliverance. (By the way, Gerard caught Kimble, but Kimble caught the one-armed man and was exonerated). But how, you might ask, did Uncle Angelo – standing behind the TV set adjusting the rabbit ears – see the show? Well, one of us seated in front, held a mirror at just the right angle for him to watch the show at the same time. No surprise. Uncle Angelo never complained. It was always his nature to give pleasure to others.

By the way, as quiet a man as my Uncle Angelo generally was among a family of talkers and quipsters, each morning he drove me home from the Double T Diner that summer of 1965, he offered me his unique formula for people like himself who needed 10 hours’ rest in less than six hours of night available.

“Sleep fast,” Angelo would say, “and you’ll wake up raring to go.”

I’ll always try, Uncle. But I’ll never be as good at it as you.

Degrees of separation

Staff Sergeant Joe Taddonio served as a gunner aboard USAAF Liberators during the Second World War. Courtesy Joe Taddonio.
Staff Sergeant Joe Taddonio served as a gunner aboard USAAF Liberators during the Second World War. Courtesy Joe Taddonio.

The voice on the phone wasn’t an automated one. An actual human being answered my call, last week, as I attempted to renew the registration on my website and domain name (tedbarris.com). But inevitably my 1-800 call took me outside the country. When I asked, the young man on the line said he was located in Phoenix, Arizona. I told him I was calling from way north of that and he then described a family outing he’d experienced over Christmas.

“I took my family up north during the holidays,” Chris Taddonio said.

“Oh, really?” I said. “Where to?”

“North to Flagstaff, Arizona,” he said. “And my daughter started to cry it was so cold.”

“And how cold was it?”

“Oh, it was around the freezing mark,” he said.

That’s when I told him that our thermometer readings had been nearly 20 degrees Celsius lower than that, this week, and that with the wind chill, we in Ontario were coping with what felt like minus-30 or minus-40 degrees Celsius.

And the phone went silent. He admitted he was sorry he’d tried to impress me with his trip “up north.” Then, we moved on to the job at hand – registering my domain name on the Internet. He looked at my website, realized I had an interest in military history, and then noticed an image on my site of a Second World War Spitfire fighter aircraft.

He mentioned that his grandfather had served in the U.S. Army Air Force during the war and that the man – now in his 90s – might have some stories for me. I said I was always interested in hearing from veterans, and suggested he ask his grandfather, in the Boston area, to call me. On Sunday I received a call from Joseph Taddonio.

Born in December 1920 (he celebrated his 93rd birthday over the Christmas holidays), Joseph Taddonio told me that he and his brother had grown up not far from Boston Municipal Airport. The boys had always gaped at biplanes and auto-gyro aircraft on the tarmac. When the United States was drawn into the war with the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, it seemed a natural thing to join the air force. But despite his love of airplanes Joseph had a problem.

“When I attended optometrist school just before the war,” he said, “I found out I was near-sighted… I kept flunking the (air force entry) course.”

His inability to read the eye charts required for an airgunner, kept preventing Taddonio’s successful entry into the U.S. Army Air Force, until one day, he found a training facility with exactly the same eye chart. He simply memorized the lines of letters, went back to an examiner, passed the test, and got in.

Joe Taddonio's Liberator crew on occasion of its 200th mission during WWII. Courtesy Joe Taddonio.
Joe Taddonio’s Liberator crew on occasion of its 200th mission during WWII. Courtesy Joe Taddonio.


Then, to ensure his eyesight would never fail him as a waist gunner aboard the Liberator bomber, he had his combat goggle lenses replaced with the prescription to overcome his near-sightedness. Taddonio served in the skies over North Africa, the Mediterranean, Italy and (late in his wartime career) France.

“On one mission to bomb Vicenza, we had 17 airplanes in our bomber stream,” he explained about a mission on Dec. 28. 1943. “We had no (Allied fighter aircraft escort to protect the bombers) when 60 German fighter aircraft jumped us. Fifteen waves of German fighters, four abreast. Only seven of our aircraft made it through.”

With each Liberator carrying a crew of seven to 10 men, the losses that one night proved disastrous. Taddonio finished the war by participating in the Normandy invasion; he and his aircrew bombed targets on the coast of France just prior to the D-Day invasion in the spring of 1944. He’d survived a year of missions over Europe.

In 1944 - when he turned 24 - Joe Taddonio completed his tour of duty and returned home to Boston.
In 1944 – when he turned 24 – Joe Taddonio completed his tour of duty and returned home to Boston. Courtesy Joe Taddonio.

On June 12, 1944 (D-Day-plus-6) Taddonio said he flew a mission over the Cherbourg peninsula in support of American ground forces there. The invasion had held and was moving inland.

“That was my last mission,” he said, “and I came home.”

It occurred to me that flying in the ball turret of a Liberator bomber, which could climb to altitudes of nearly 30,000 feet, that Taddonio might have experienced some extremely cold temperatures at those altitudes.

“The coldest it hit outside our airplane was 60 below,” he said. “We were flying back to England over Denmark that day.”

“How could you possibly keep from freezing to death?” I asked.

“We had jump suits that were like electric blankets,” Taddonio said. “They had rigged up a system for heating pants and coats and even wired our boots to try to keep us warm.”

I began to feel guilty having complained this week about minus-40 temperatures in Ontario. And I doubted whether his great-granddaughter, the one who had cried to her father Chris about the nearly freezing temperatures at Flagstaff, Arizona, would have any concept of minus-60 degrees. Much less facing that cold while German fighters and anti-aircraft guns tried to shoot his Liberator out of the sky.

More than a few degrees of separation there.

Rescuers with no names

Crosby in Team Canada dressing room at Vancouver Olympics in 2010.
Crosby in Team Canada dressing room at Vancouver Olympics in 2010.

It was the day before New Year’s Day, four years ago. I had simply gone to exchange a gift at an electronics store in Oshawa. As I drove home that midday I remember listening to former Detroit Red Wings star Steve Yzerman announcing names of Team Canada hockey players for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

That’s when I was T-boned by a truck coming through an intersection. I remember my world spinning until I hit something else and came to an abrupt stop facing the opposite direction in the intersection. Next thing I knew, not an official, just a guy with a cell phone in his hand came to what was left of my driver’s side window.

“Are you OK?” he asked.


Unexpected Christmas gift

Gorgeous in the sunrise of Christmas morning, the iced trees strained under the weight of the ice.
Gorgeous in the sunrise of Christmas morning, the iced trees strained under the weight of the ice.

Saturday – the day of the ice storm – I accomplished an important Christmas moment. It was mid-afternoon. It was perhaps the worst possible time to be heading out on the roads. But there I was, loading up the car with the dog, my winter jacket and boots and a small saw. Nobody was around to hear it, but I made my traditional Christmas announcement.

“I think it’s a good day to get a Christmas tree,” I said and I think the dog – my Kerry blue terrier Finn McCool – was the only one to hear it. And he’s not fussy. A walk, whether in the woods for a tree or anywhere else for that matter, is all the same to him. All good.


The point of it all

XXX plays Bob Cratchit in the 1951 movie version of A Christmas Carol.
Mervyn Johns plays Bob Cratchit in the 1951 movie version of A Christmas Carol.

I’ve been thinking about a mythical, historical Christmas dinner lately. It’s the one that featured a cooked goose, hissing gravy, mashed potatoes, the gush of stuffing, two small children gorged in sage and onion to the eyebrows, and a pudding regarded as the greatest success achieved by the housewife since the beginning of her marriage. But it’s the Christmas toast proposed by the man of the house, I’ve remembered this week.

“I’ll give you Mr. Scrooge,” announced Bob Cratchit in Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, “the founder of the feast.”

“Such an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge,” Mrs. Cratchit scowls. And then she relents at her husband’s insistence, “I’ll drink his health for your sake and the Day’s.”


Quiet victor

Nelson Mandela emerges from Robben Island prison in February 1990.
Nelson Mandela emerges from Robben Island prison in February 1990.

The morning the world changed, I had tumbled from my warm bed, found a cup of coffee to help me on my way and driven from the countryside to the old CBC Radio building on Jarvis Street, next to CBC corporate head offices in downtown Toronto. By 5 a.m. I had cleared my head and my throat to deliver one of my first newscasts for the CBC Network that morning. Little did I know within the first hours of my shift, I would be part of something momentous.

“Here is the CBC News,” I said at the top of each hour that morning to begin the five-minute hourly newscast. But that day I also got the chance to announce repeatedly as the top story, “Nelson Mandela, the black African leader imprisoned for treason since 1963, has this morning left notorious Robben Island prison, a free man.”


Preparedness or paranoia

Neither the sight nor the sound any homeowner wants to hear - a burst water pipe in the basement.
Neither the sight nor the sound any homeowner wants to hear – a burst water pipe in the basement.

As I drove up the ramp onto Hwy. 401 near Kingston, following a talk I’d given last Saturday night, I thought I’d call my wife (on a hands-free device) and let her know I was en route home. I phoned once at 10 p.m. I tried again at 10:30 and every half hour after that. But there was no answer. I stopped calling around midnight, figuring she might have gone to bed. But when I got home, she was up. Or, actually she was down… in the basement.

“A pipe broke and has been leaking water down there all day,” she told me. “We had several inches of water in the basement.”


Getting a grip

Sometimes the message of road signs never sinks in.
Sometimes the message of road signs never sinks in.

All evening long, I kept hearing the warnings. I had driven as far southwest on Highway 401 as it goes – in fact, I think I got to Kilometre Number 1 – in Windsor. I knew when the event at which I was speaking, on the Windsor side of the Detroit River, wrapped up, I faced the four-hour drive home to Uxbridge. At 10 p.m. I got in my car, started the engine and heard the weather forecast.

“Environment Canada has issued a weather statement,” the announcer said. “Wet snow or blowing snow will make driving conditions treacherous.”

“That’s OK,” I thought to myself. “With my snow tires on, everything should be fine.”
