Pros and Cons of Stay-cationing

When the corn-on-the-cob disappears at the local grocer store, it can mean only one thing!

In recent weeks, I’ve taken to walking early in the morning. Every day. I follow a number of routes around town, each about five or six kilometres in length. The walks – sometimes I jog – remind me of the times back at high school when I would run 10 or 15 kilometres with the cross-country team, without even batting an eye. Anyway, one day last week, an acquaintance greeted me during my walk. “Why so early in the day?” he asked.

“Beat the heat, for one thing,” I said. “And because there’s nobody around.” (more…)

Morning delight

Sanitary truck at work, photo Miller Waste Management.

It’s one of the best feelings of the week. In our part of town, it usually happens Tuesday. I get up pretty early each day it happens. I make sure everything’s just so; sometimes I partly prepare things the night before. Then, about the middle of the morning, (since I’m on holidays this week, I’m actually around to see it happen) there’s that visit. There’s that telltale engine roar and sudden stop in front of my house. Sometimes it comes with a friendly wave.

“Have a nice day,” the guy in the Miller Waste truck says.

“You too,” I answer.
