Vigil over Pickering lands continues

Brian Buckles speaks at Land Over Landings meeting in 2018.

Brian and Jane Buckles had only lived on their property in Pickering between Concession Roads 7 and 8 for about four years, when, in 1972, the federal government expropriated their land for the proposed Pickering Airport.

Overnight their country dream home – with an old Ontario farmhouse on 20 acres of land – became one of the hottest political potatoes in the GTA. Brian Buckles, however, would not go quietly.

“Days after the announcement, (farmer) Lorne Almack and I became the technical committee for People or Planes. I talked to officials with Air Canada and De Havilland preparing the technical case against the airport.” (more…)

Driven and loving it

The Nanji twins are driven to contribute to their community.
The Nanji twins are driven to contribute to their community.

The two young women stood together at the front of the hall, the former pharmacy on the main floor of the Toronto Street medical building. They couldn’t have been more alike. They wore the same T-shirts decorated in a blue and yellow logo. They wore their hair the same – shoulder-length – and they even looked, well, identical. And when they spoke – like a married couple – they finished each other’s sentences.

“I still remember a year ago, thinking this might not work,” one said.

“Yeah, we’ve grown so much,” the other said. “There were only 15 people attending this time last year…”

“This year, there are over 30,” the first added. (more…)