Inside out

As kids, we would lose ourselves below the high-tension wires of Rouge River Park on day-long outings.
As kids, we would lose ourselves below the high-tension wires of Rouge River Park on day-long outings.

It must have something to do with age, but instead of waking up and getting out of bed refreshed, last Sunday morning, I was hurting. Nothing very complicated. It was just a knot in my back. I chalked it up to a tumble during a late-season hockey game or maybe carrying home too many bags of students’ papers to mark.

Anyway, soon after, I took my coffee up to my office and began editing and evaluating those papers. But it was hard to ignore the gorgeous day unfolding outside my office window. So, eventually, with all that blue sky and long-overdue warm air, I gave in.

“I’ll just rake the lawn for a while,” I thought to myself. “At the very least, it’ll clear my head.” (more…)

Play is the thing

The Bonner Boys Splash Park earlier this past week, before the official opening – Sunday, August 18, 2013.

Recently, my daughter took her children to the park area just west of the arena in our town. Enjoying the last days of my summer holidays, I joined them. The kids seemed pretty excited, but that’s what being a kid is all about – looking forward to the next adventure. Anyway, when they arrived at the hillside beyond the arena, they saw the animated figures and waterworks flowing. My grandson’s remark kind of summed it up.

“Wow!” was all he said. And he just repeated, “Wow!”
