Democracy in the details

Dr. Anand Doobay, at Markham-Stouffvile Hospital, an epicentre in the fight to save lives in a pandemic.  CBC News photo.

The point-of-view of the camera shows us whisking through a door with a “restricted access” sign on it. Around the gurney-in-motion, doctors, nurses and orderlies wear full personal protective gear, as we zoom down a hospital corridor. The CBC News reporter voiceover describes the medical staff coping with Markham-Stouffville Hospital’s COVID-19 case load.

“It’s like (the staff) is going to war,” reporter Wendy Mesley says. “Only they never know if they will win or lose.” (more…)

A stitch seen around the world

Quilters Cupboard in Uxbridge, Ontario.
Quilters Cupboard in Uxbridge, Ontario.

Even in liberated communities, there are some areas still considered off-limits to certain people. Children aren’t often seen in pubs. Most women don’t hang out in repair garages. And men don’t generally frequent manicure and pedicure salons. The same could be said of men in sewing shops and the like. In fact, last Saturday afternoon when I decided to pay a courtesy visit to the Quilters Cupboard in Uxbridge, Ont., I got a predicable response when I entered.

“Hey ladies,” a voice announced from inside the store, “a man has just entered the shop.” Most got a chuckle out of the remark. Me included.
