Unexpected Christmas gift

Gorgeous in the sunrise of Christmas morning, the iced trees strained under the weight of the ice.
Gorgeous in the sunrise of Christmas morning, the iced trees strained under the weight of the ice.

Saturday – the day of the ice storm – I accomplished an important Christmas moment. It was mid-afternoon. It was perhaps the worst possible time to be heading out on the roads. But there I was, loading up the car with the dog, my winter jacket and boots and a small saw. Nobody was around to hear it, but I made my traditional Christmas announcement.

“I think it’s a good day to get a Christmas tree,” I said and I think the dog – my Kerry blue terrier Finn McCool – was the only one to hear it. And he’s not fussy. A walk, whether in the woods for a tree or anywhere else for that matter, is all the same to him. All good.
