Surplus? Or plain neglect?

Gerry OIdham in front of the “notice of meeting” sign posted in the King Street Parkette.

It only took a few minutes into Monday morning’s Planning Committee meeting at Uxbridghe Township offices to realize that no citizen’s protest versus the closing of the King Street Parkette had a chance of changing Council’s mind and that the outcome appeared predetermined.

Minutes into the planning meeting, Coun. Todd Snooks, the chair, called upon a township planning officer to review Council’s history with the park. She called for a slide on the screen.

“Here is the King Street Parkette timeline,” she said, and then indicated the single-lot-sized green space had first been deemed by Council “surplus in 1981.”

The slide showed type inside an information box with no identification, no source and no specific date. It just said, “Surplus 1981.” (more…)

Free speech is not free

2022 municipal election candidates’ pamphlets.

I was busy at the time. Because it was the weekend, I had a long list of things to do around the house. And I was well into the first few chores when I heard the front doorbell ring. When I opened the door, I was greeted by a woman with a handful of pamphlets, and a pad and pen at the ready.

“I’m Christine McKenzie,” she said, “and I’m running for Ward 5 Councillor.”

I could have said, “Gee, I’m really busy right now,” and I’m sure she’d have responded with, “I can come back another time.” But instead, Ms. McKenzie and I got into a lively discussion about the needs of some of our neighbours in the aftermath of the May 21 tornado. (more…)